Produse pentru dispozitive și (33)

Produse medicale

Produse medicale

Unsere medizinischen Produkte aus Titan und Edelstahl sind für den Einsatz in chirurgischen Geräten und Implantaten konzipiert. Wir bieten flexible Kleinserienproduktionen an, die den spezifischen Anforderungen des Medizinmarktes gerecht werden. Unsere umfassenden Dienstleistungen umfassen die Entwicklung und Herstellung von Produkten, die auf dem Wissen und der Erfahrung aus der Automobilindustrie basieren, wo sich die Anforderungen ständig weiterentwickeln.
Construcția dispozitivelor de prindere pentru prelucrarea mecanică

Construcția dispozitivelor de prindere pentru prelucrarea mecanică

Our company boasts a robust development team proficient in constructing automatic clamping devices tailored for mechanical processing. This innovative process enables us to achieve higher repetition rates and accuracy on the piece, ultimately resulting in superior quality products. Additionally, by utilizing these automatic clamping devices, we can offer our clients competitive pricing without compromising on quality.


Mulčerji za košenje trave
Mese Hidraulice de Ridicare - Mese hidraulice de ridicare cu diverse capacități de încărcare, dimensiuni și scopuri de utilizare.

Mese Hidraulice de Ridicare - Mese hidraulice de ridicare cu diverse capacități de încărcare, dimensiuni și scopuri de utilizare.

Smo podjetje z bogato tradicijo projektiranja in izdelave strojne opreme. Specializirani smo predvsem za proizvodnjo hidravličnih dvigal (dvižnih miz) in transportnih naprav. Vsi izdelki so razviti v našem podjetju in izdelani z najsodobnejšo strojno opremo. To nam omogoča popolno prilagoditev potrebam in željam strank. Hidravlične dvižne mize različnih nosilnosti, velikosti in namenov uporabe glede na potrebe in želje stranke Transportne naprave in sistemi kot del logistične podpore proizvodnih sistemov Naprave za skladiščenje Kovinski in PVC-izdelki vseh vrst Proizvodnja strojnih delov (komponent) po dokumentaciji kupcev
NPS - Sistem de Protecție împotriva Zgomotului

NPS - Sistem de Protecție împotriva Zgomotului

Noise Protection System (NPS) with extremely precise sound reading keeps the saw performance under strict surveillance and checks whether it ids operating optimally. The product continuously communicates with the machine control system and uses fast adaptive algorithms to detect even the smallest anomalies in the sawing process. Before the quality of your product is affected, stopping the work process quickly, or reducing the feed speed, protects your saw from damage and noticeably extends its life span.
Piese prelucrate - dispozitive de măsurare

Piese prelucrate - dispozitive de măsurare

Each our component is individually handled in complete care and tested with the latest measuring devices - Mitutoyo. Specialized in smaller productions has its own advantages. We individually devote ourselves to our partners. We support you by: - before production, we review the technical documentation and implement possible changes, - we have a larger amount of material in stock which guarantees us an immediate start of production and quick delivery of a new spare part, - all products are inspected, deburred and hand polished before release. The components are checked to ensure that they fit properly and that the external product is compatible. All dispatched products are functional and visually sophisticated. Which leads to more affordable and better quality of the end-product, and consequently greater satisfaction of our partners.
Cuțite pentru industria metalurgică - cuțite pentru laminare, cuțite pentru foarfeci și tăierea tablei

Cuțite pentru industria metalurgică - cuțite pentru laminare, cuțite pentru foarfeci și tăierea tablei

noži za razrez pločevine in noži, ki se uporabljajo pri proizvodnji najrazličnejših jeklenih profilov vseh dimenzij zagotavljamo celostne rešitve na področju proizvodnje, obdelave in recikliranja kovin. Z izbiro najustreznejših jekel zagotavljamo, da noži za uporabo v kovinski industriji dosegajo najboljšo obstojnost, zanesljivost in natančen rez. Pri zagotavljanju lastnosti nožev za kovine je zelo pomembna termična obdelava le-teh, kar zagotavljamo z najmodernejšo tehnologijo kaljenja (vakuum) in velikim poudarkom na sprotnem usposabljanju zaposlenih v oddelku termične obdelave. Z modernimi stroji za mehansko obdelavo materialov, izkušnjami in visoko-tehnološkim znanjem zagotavljamo natančno izdelavo, kar je v primeru nožev za kovinsko industrijo bistvenega pomena. Celovite rešitve za kovinsko industrijo izvajamo za najzahtevnejše evropske stranke, predvsem za avtomobilsko in metalurško industrijo.
Dispenser de sticlă Autofill - Un dispozitiv de dozare dezvoltat personalizat în cadrul companiei

Dispenser de sticlă Autofill - Un dispozitiv de dozare dezvoltat personalizat în cadrul companiei

Štirje samodejno-polnilni dispenzerji, po meri vgrajeni v interior zajtrkovalnic najprestižnejstih hotelskih blagovnih znamk, gostu vizualno približajo vrhunsko osvežilno pijačo sadnega okusa. T. i. "žirafe" za brezalkoholno pijačo vaše osebje v zajtrkovalnici enostavno napolni z enim stiskom gumba. Kot si lahko okuse zgoščenih pripravkov, shranjenih v pultu, izberete sami, se tudi preddoločena količina polnjenja uskladi glede na potrebe vaše zajtrkovalnice. Steklene posode te po meri izdelane točilne naprave enostavno odstranite in operete v pomivalnem stroju.
Ax excentric

Ax excentric

Large dimension eccentric shaft production from raw material to finished part. Shaft for eccentric press machine.


These are simply mechanical devices with which we fix the contact boards to a bed, a stand, etc. There are several standard models with zero to four degrees of freedom.
Mașină de profilare a lamelor pentru jaluzele exterioare

Mașină de profilare a lamelor pentru jaluzele exterioare

Vilhem Dorn | Manager | | SKOVELA d.o.o. | Tekačevo 60 | Rogaška Slatina | 3250 | Slovenija | SKOVELA d.o.o. | CE | Zgornja Hudinja 8 | Celje | 3000 | Slovenija | SKOVELA d.o.o. | PE | Zagaj pod Bočem 9b | Rogaška Slatina | 3250 | Slovenija | T: +386 (3) 581 36 98 | F: +386 (3) 819 06 98 | M: +386 (40) 205 054 | | | Bank: SKB banka d.d. Swift BIC: SKBASI2X IBAN: A SI56 0316 3100 0564 526 VAT Nr / ID za DDV: SI22433031
Sisteme de filtrare a aerului poluat

Sisteme de filtrare a aerului poluat

Polluted air filtration systems include various components such as: dry filters with pneumatic or mechanical shaking of filter bags, pockets or inserts, wet filters with a system of purification and return of water with minimal water consumption, oil filters to separate oil vapors, gas washers, centrifugal fans of various sizes and designs, transport fans, workbenches for welding and cleaning workpieces with suction connections, movable suction arms for suction of welding gases together with mobile filter units, suction hoods, walls and pipelines, industrial vacuum cleaners for cleaning the working environment for feeding or operating filter systems. All products comply with ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 3834-2: 2005, EN 1090-1: 2009 and EN 13084-7: 2012.
Oudie 2 Pregătit de zbor - Planare

Oudie 2 Pregătit de zbor - Planare

Oudie 2 is a flight computer which aims to provide everything a glider pilot needs for navigation in one simple package. Connect it with on board 12V power supply and you are ready to fly.Oudie 2 is shipped with all accessories and cables required including suction cup mounting for an easy install. Lifelong software updates are free ensuring your instrument is always up to date.Every good pilot knows the value of having the right flight plan, the right navigation instrument and the insights gained from reviewing a flight.The Oudie runs software developed for the gliding ty over nearly 20 years. When combined with the SeeYou PC software, Oudie becomes the complete package offering:Pre-flight planning,In-flight navigation,Post-flight analysis Device Processor:ARM 11, 500 MHz Device RAM:128MB Device Built-in Flash:8 GB Device Loudspeaker:Yes Device Buttons:On/Off, Reset Device Battery:1400mAh Device Battery indicator:Yes Device Battery autonomy:2.5h Device Wall charger:Yes Device 12V charger:Yes Device Size:135 x 86 x 14 mm Screen Display:5″ TFT LCD Screen Resolution:480×272 Screen Aspect ratio:16:09 Screen Portrait:Yes Screen Landscape:yes Screen Touchscreen:Yes Connectivity Built-in GPS:Yes Connectivity USB:USB 2.0 Connectivity Mass Storage:Yes Connectivity Active Sync:Yes Connectivity External Flash:microSDHC Connectivity Headphone:3.5mm jack Connectivity Wired Serial:Connectivity Yes Connectivity Bluetooth:Yes Connectivity Pressure sensors:No Software Languages:17 Software Moving map:Yes Software Preinstalled maps:world-wide Software 3D Airspace warning:Yes Software Final glide calculator:Yes Software Thermal assistant:Yes Software OLC optimization:Yes Software FAI Triangle optimization:Yes Software Profiles:Unlimited Software Team function:Yes Software Speed to fly indicator:Yes Software Outlanding database:Optional Software Settings:Complete Software Navboxes:72 Software Glider polars:124 Software Flarm Radar:Yes Software Flight statistics:Yes Software Task statistics:Yes Software 60′ statistics:Yes Software Navigation around Task:Yes Software Assigned Area Tasks:Yes Software Task declaration:Yes Software IGC approved:No Software Wind calculator:Circling/Straight Software Units:Metric/Imperial Software File Replay:Yes Software Flight recorder:Yes
Dispozitiv de măsurare pentru o piesă din plastic turnată - pentru controlul calității în timpul producției produsului

Dispozitiv de măsurare pentru o piesă din plastic turnată - pentru controlul calității în timpul producției produsului

Prüf- und Messvorrichtungen dienen der Überprüfung während und nach dem Produktionsprozess und sind somit Teil der Qualitätssicherung. Sie dienen zweierlei: der Absicherung, dass das Werkstück den vorgegebenen Anforderungen entspricht und notwendige Toleranzen eingehalten werden und zum anderen auch der Sicherstellung, dass die Produktionsmaschine richtig läuft und somit kein Ausfall zu erwarten ist. Die Entwicklung und Herstellung solcher Prüfmittel ist unser Spezialgebiet. Seit vielen Jahren werden wir den Anforderungen unserer Partner aus dem Automotive-Bereich, dem Maschinenbau und der Möbelindustrie gerecht. Um das passende Produktdesign für unsere Messgeräte zu entwickeln, nutzen wir die 3D-CAD-Software CATIA. Je nach Anforderung kann die gewünschte Datenerhebung zur Produktprüfung sowohl attributiv als auch variabel erfolgen. Wir liefern stets die passende Lösung zur qualitativen Überprüfung Ihres seriell gefertigten Erzeugnisses.
Dispozitiv Pometal PVM și PVH

Dispozitiv Pometal PVM și PVH

Pometalne naprave PVM in PVH so modularno grajene, namensko razvite za različne variante in kombinacije čiščenja, navlaževanja terena in izvedbe pogonov. PVM in PVH sta različni v tipu pogona, saj je PVM mehanski pogon preko kardana, PVH pa je hidravlični pogon gnan preko vozila.
Mașini de polisare prin vibrație

Mașini de polisare prin vibrație

Vibracijska obdelava je vrsta proizvodnega postopka masovne obdelave in se lahko uporablja za čiščenje, raziglevanje in poliranje izdelkov, ki morajo izpolnjevati posebne standarde kakovosti. Odvisno od zahtev je to lahko suhi ali mokri proces. Gostol TST ponuja široko paleto strojev za vibracijsko poliranje za obdelavo različnih oblik in velikosti, med katerimi lahko izberete stroj, ki najbolj ustreza vašim potrebam, proizvodnim zmogljivostim in želenim rezultatom (raziglevanje, poliranje, brušenje, zaobljenje, razmaščevanje, itd.).
Construcție - Construcția și producția de dispozitive de măsurare și control

Construcție - Construcția și producția de dispozitive de măsurare și control

Das Unternehmen Murko GmbH fertigt seit vielen Jahren mit großem Erfolg Mess- und Kontrollgeräte für die unterschiedlichsten Produkte für Kunden auf der ganzen Welt. Wir fertigen Messkontrolleinrichtungen, mit denen Sie die Maßhaltigkeit Ihrer Teile messtechnisch überprüfen können. Mit unseren Kontrollgeräten bestätigen Sie die ersten Stücke beziehungsweise Korrekt gefertigte Werkzeuge in der Automobilindustrie. Wir fertigen Messkontrollgeräte für Karosserie- oder Interieurteile. Wir bieten nicht nur Kleinere Kontrollgeräte für Einbauteile, sondern größere für Türen, Dächer oder Automobilseiten . Alle Kontrollgeräte sind maßgefertigt und protokollbestätigt. Zu unseren Produkten gehören auch Montage- und Schweißgeräte. Vom Design bis zum fertigen Produkt!
mașină electrostatică

mașină electrostatică

Elektrostatika je elektromagnetni naboj škropljenih kapljic. Elektromagnetni naboj kapljice povzroči veliko privlačno silo med kapljico in rastlino in ima za posledico večji depozit kapljic na rastlini.
Masă de ridicare hidraulică roșie

Masă de ridicare hidraulică roșie

Po merah narejena hidravlična dvižna miza, kjer so upoštevane potrebe stranke, tako z vidika mer, kot z vidika dvižne kapacitete.
Pulverizatoare cu presiune înaltă

Pulverizatoare cu presiune înaltă

Za škropljenje s škropilnimi pištolami Za manjše površine
Pulverizatoare de înghețată remorcate

Pulverizatoare de înghețată remorcate

Vlečni poljedelski škropilniki za škropljenje njiv.
Pulverizatoare Agricole Montate

Pulverizatoare Agricole Montate

Nošeni poljedelski škropilni za škropljenje njiv in njivskih pridelkov
Oudie 5 – Copilot cu prietenii - zbor gratuit

Oudie 5 – Copilot cu prietenii - zbor gratuit

Oudie 5 brings more fun to you and your Buddies. With integrated Fanet+ & Flarm it allows you to share the sky with your friends and enjoy the safety of being seen by others. Inherits all features from competition pilot’s first choice vario – Oudie 4.The Complete Package.Every good pilot knows the value of having the right flight plan, the right navigation instrument and the insights gained from reviewing a flight.Running the highly regarded SeeYou software, developed for the gliding and free flight community over nearly 20 years, the Oudie 5 is the complete package offering:Pre-flight planning.In-flight navigation.Post-flight analysis
JM13i - distribuitor de mic dejun - 3 arome de fructe/legume și apă proaspătă purificată

JM13i - distribuitor de mic dejun - 3 arome de fructe/legume și apă proaspătă purificată

Samopostrežna točilna naprava JM je preverjena rešitev za hotelske zajtrkovalnice, šolske kantine ali prehrano zaposlenih. Različica JM13i gostu ponuja tri sadne, zelenjavne, ali sadno-zelenjavne okuse in prečiščeno svežo vodo. Poleg omenjenega modela lahko naše stranke izbirajo med: 1) JM12i in JM13i sta točilna sistema z internimi »Tube BiB«. JM12i nudi dve sadni ali zelenjavni pijači ter prečiščeno in ohlajeno vodo, JM13i pa tri sadne ali zelenjavne napitke ter prečiščeno in ohlajeno vodo. 2) JM12e in JM13e imata zunanje polnjenje; uporabljamo pakiranja QC10 in QC20, ki jih lahko shranite v pult pod JM-jem ali tja, kjer imate dovolj prostora. Medtem ko JM12e nudi dva okusa pijače ter prečiščeno in ohlajeno vodo, JM13e omogoča točenje treh sadnih ali zelenjavnih pijač ter prečiščene in ohlajene vode. 3) Idealen za kuhinjo pa je povišan JM, ki omogoča točenje v steklenice, dispenzerje ali karafe, ki jih nato postrežemo gostom.
Plasă de armare

Plasă de armare

Škropline armature za pasovno škropljenje v sadjarstvu in vinogradništvu
Oudie IGC De top - Zbor cu planorul

Oudie IGC De top - Zbor cu planorul

The Oudie IGC version is similar to the Oudie 2, but with the additional functions and features as listed belowAdditional features:More than 12 hours battery autonomy at full backlight.Highest level IGC approval for badges and records.Engine Noise level integrated for gliders with engine.Backup vario.Large internal battery.Only 11 mm thicker than Oudie 2.Weighs 350 g.Every good pilot knows the value of having the right flight plan, the right navigation instrument and the insights gained from reviewing a flight.The Oudie runs software developed for the gliding ty over nearly 20 years. When combined with the SeeYou PC software, Oudie becomes the complete package offering:Pre-flight planning,In-flight navigation,Post-flight analysis Device Processor:ARM 11, 500 MHz Device RAM:128MB Device Built-in Flash:8 GB Device Loudspeaker:Yes Device Buttons:On/Off, Reset Device Battery:1400mAh Device Battery indicator:Yes Device Battery autonomy:2.5h Device Wall charger:Yes Device 12V charger:Yes Device Size:135 x 86 x 14 mm Screen Display:5″ TFT LCD Screen Resolution:480×272 Screen Aspect ratio:16:09 Screen Portrait:Yes Screen Landscape:yes Screen Touchscreen:Yes Connectivity Built-in GPS:Yes Connectivity USB:USB 2.0 Connectivity Mass Storage:Yes Connectivity Active Sync:Yes Connectivity External Flash:microSDHC Connectivity Headphone:3.5mm jack Connectivity Wired Serial:Connectivity Yes Connectivity Bluetooth:Yes Connectivity Pressure sensors:No Software Languages:17 Software Moving map:Yes Software Preinstalled maps:world-wide Software 3D Airspace warning:Yes Software Final glide calculator:Yes Software Thermal assistant:Yes Software OLC optimization:Yes Software FAI Triangle optimization:Yes Software Profiles:Unlimited Software Team function:Yes Software Speed to fly indicator:Yes Software Outlanding database:Optional Software Settings:Complete Software Navboxes:72 Software Glider polars:124 Software Flarm Radar:Yes Software Flight statistics:Yes Software Task statistics:Yes Software 60′ statistics:Yes Software Navigation around Task:Yes Software Assigned Area Tasks:Yes Software Task declaration:Yes Software IGC approved:No Software Wind calculator:Circling/Straight Software Units:Metric/Imperial Software File Replay:Yes Software Flight recorder:Yes
Dispozitiv de Distribuție Nectar Natura - Dispozitiv de distribuție pentru băuturi nealcoolice din fructe, legume și fructe-legume

Dispozitiv de Distribuție Nectar Natura - Dispozitiv de distribuție pentru băuturi nealcoolice din fructe, legume și fructe-legume

Stojnica Nektar Natura je naprava za točenje najboljših pijač, ustvarjena z namenom več-senzoričnega doživetja. Steklenice ustvarjajo vizualen stik gosta s pijačo, med tem ko iz prostora za shranjevanje vedno pritečejo sveži sadni in zelenjavni napitki. Zagotavlja popolno varnost pijače in zanesljivost točenja 5 različnih svežih zelenjavnih ali sadnih okusov Nektar Natura. Popoln učinek zdravega kotička lahko dosežete s kombinacijo zelenjavnih, zelenjavno-sadnih in sadnih napitkov s 100-odstotnim zelenjavno-sadnim deležem v končnem napitku. (100-odstotni zelenjavni, zelenjavno-sadni ali sadni delež dobimo ob točenju pri priporočenem mešalnem razmerju, ki vam ga natančno nastavijo naši tehniki na terenu.)
Hiper – Ușor, simplu, colorat. - Zbor Liber

Hiper – Ușor, simplu, colorat. - Zbor Liber

Perfectly configured as a stand alone instrument for everyday use, Hike and Fly adventures and Cross-country missions.Pocket size (107 x 70 x 18 mm).Lightweight (135 g).Superb colour touch display.Excellent Vario.Thermal assistantAirspace.Hike and Fly mode.FAI Triangle assistant.OLC Optimization in flight.Wi-Fi for flight log and data transfer.GPS Task Navigation.12-36 hours battery autonomy.Hyper gives you enough information to put you on track to your target, avoid airspace, accurately core and return to thermals, and make every thermal count.In Hike & Fly mode, your ground based track log will also be recorded. You might not know where you’ll end up, but your Hyper will have all the latest airspace and maps to help you.The silicone Hyper Jacket comes in three colors and serves both as protection and a mounting solution. It has a big hook velcro stitched to the back to make sure it doesn’t go anywhere during the adventures
Pulverizatoare cu rază lungă

Pulverizatoare cu rază lungă

Škropilniki visokega dometa za škropljenje višjih kultur (orehov, lešnikov...)
Pulverizatoare remorcate

Pulverizatoare remorcate

Vlečni pršilniki za sadjarstvo in vinogradništvo